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Producer: Michael Bell

Lansing native Michael Bell is a nationally recognized producer, musical performer and songwriter. He began his professional career as a teenager playing guitar for some of the most beloved names in R&B and Soul at the time, such as David Ruffin, Tyrone Davis, Laura Lee, The Floaters, and many others.

In recent years, he has focused on the exploding area of digital music, especially mobile music distribution, in which he is a pioneer in the area of real music ringtones. Michael has personally produced much of Warner Music’s ringtone catalog, as well as those of countless Indie artists, such as Arcade Fire, Tamalaneh, Jelixa, The Civil Wars, and many others. His work is distributed through iTunes and all of the major mobile phone companies such as Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, AT&T and MetroPCS.

When Michael isn’t traveling around the country playing and producing live shows, Michael can be found hard at work in his studio at Belltime Productions in South Lansing, focusing on his own songwriting and producing up-and-coming vocal artists. Michael says, “I have been fortunate to be a working musician most of my life. Working with young musicians provides the opportunity to give back.” He adds, “Making a living in music today means mastering technology in both production and distribution. I spend as much time on the technology as I do on the music.” Still, Michael says, “A good song is where it all starts. Without that, the technology won’t do you much good.”

Blessed with enormous talent, good health, and a philosophy of kindness in all he does, Michael looks forward to making sure that Michigan continues to produce and deliver to the world the highest quality musical experiences that talent and technology will allow, for many more years to come.

Music Producer / Composer / Lyricist / Mix Engineer / Artist Promoter / Indie Label Owner / Musician / Full Time Student at Full Sail University


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Max Groenlund

Why I'm building DigiRAMP?I want the Love and Money back to the creators.All the big players like Apple & co... makes a fortune while the creators gets nothingMax Grunlond   - VIP & Programmer of DigiRAMP• Masters in computer music -  Esbjerg Music Acadamy• Twenty years of experience software development (Lego, Koblo, Avid, Apple)• Specialist in enterprise system architecture and optimization• Leader of highly effective development teams

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Belltimereocords  over 9 years ago
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