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First You Need to Define Sucess

Avatar 48x48 lmplogolsq
Link Media Partners LLC
almost 8 years ago

Everyone wants to know how to be successful in the music business and I always say the same thing. “First, you need to define what success is for yourself”. We all set out with a dream, hope, or goal. In music, it’s usually to be as big as some superstar we admire. I ask the question because I know people that make anywhere from a modest to a downright impressive living in the music business, and none of them are what they originally set out to be.

All of them started out trying to do something else:  In a band, with a studio, making beats, etc. They are all doing something drastically different than their original goal; music licensing, copyright administration, A & R, etc. The thing that separates them is their adaptability to new circumstances. They are all perpetual students of life... READ MORE
